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- Maps and Plans5
- Artworks53
- Audio549
- Blog Post3
- Collection69
- Council Minutes825
- Council Minutes Collection3
- Document19
- Exhibitions4
- External Collections20
- Fairfax Photographic Collection1
- Kinarah Magazine Collection1
- Local Soldiers12
- Objects243
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- Object 224
- Textile 18
- Framed Photograph 1
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- Oral Histories156
- People and Families3
- Photographs1832
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- Historical Photographs 1007
- Fairfield City District Netball Association 103
- Mayors and Councillors Photographic Collection 94
- Our Stories 78
- Adnan Begic - Evoke 75
- Whitlam Library Photographic Collection 47
- Hirst Family Collection 26
- Henry King, Horsley Photo Album, c.1900 24
- Gough Whitlam Collection 20
- 2021 City Photographer 12
- Fairfield Children and Family Services History 12
- Borg Warner Collection 8
- Slab Hut 8
- 2022 City Photographer 6
- Caversham 5
- Victoria Street School 5
- Wheatley's Store 5
- Hanbury Family Collection 3
- Robson Bros. Blacksmith 3
- The Biz Printery 3
- Assyrian Community 2
- Maltese Community 2
- The Ashurbanipal Library Collection - Assyrian Community - Australia 2
- Documents & Archives 1
- Gough Whitlam at the 50th anniversary 1
- Historical Photographic Collection 1
- Historical photographs 1
- Military Collection 1
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- Publications157
- Sands Directory68
- Text Panels27
- Transcripts280
- Videos29
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