Bonnet Box
Bed Pan
Electric Jug
Roof Tile
Kaluna Muscat Bottle
Discharge Certificate
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Banner
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Torch Relay banner
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games banner
Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games banner
Cigarette Maker
Kaluna Sparkling Pearl Wine Bottle
Brown Wooden Suitcase
Wooden Suitcase
Drive In Speakers
Pho set
Photographic film enlarger
Mayoral chair
Prayer Beads
Prayer Mat
Parlor Organ
Ray Moult-Spiers, Horsley Homestead
Bill Armstrong, Symons Bros Tile Works
S. Antonigevic, Janice Crosio
Dawn Smith, Cambridge House
Evelyn G Mulligan, Bossley Park Progress Hall
A.E. Pope, Sim's Railway Hotel, The Crescent, Fairfield
Noel Horsfall, Portrait of Madge Lewis
Villawood Migrant Hostel Collection